Areas of expertise / Services

The Agency Opinion service is aimed at private and institutional clients who want an expert and organic evaluation of their properties.

Each evaluation expressed by Antoitalia makes use of solid real estate expertise consolidated by the generational experience that characterizes Antoitalia’s professionals, as well as of institutional valuation and reporting models based on international parameters such as RICS, IVS, Basel, Bank of Italy and ABI standards.

The range of services provided by the unit of Agency Opinion includes, among others appraisals, quality evaluations, location analysis, strengths and weaknesses’ complementary evaluation, surface analysis, overall observation of the real estate’s entirety, locationing analysis, state-of-the-market assessment of the properties’s current value.

Through the exploitation of the networking structure which is widespreaded across national territory and central market areas, Antoitalia has the insider knowledge allowing its experts to forecast incomes and to put down a thorough, reliable estimation.

The evaluation parameters used by Antoitalia lend themselves to the most diversified range of properties as well as clients: full appraisal, which entails accurate indoor and outdoor inspections of the property by technical professionals; outdoor appraisal, considering the landscape and the adjacent urban area too; Desktop evaluation, performed without the on site inspection but with the expertise of a licensed software technician, international evaluation parameters and AVM models.


The property management division of Antoitalia buttresses real estate owners throughout the management, administration and exploitation of their properties to the end of income maximisation.

Most provided services

  • Management of development planning, estimation and coordination of assets’ values exploitation
  • Management and coordination of maintenance services, ordinary and extraordinary
  • Management focused on the accounting and financial administration
  • Tenants’ supervision and interaction
  • Monitoring and reporting on individual properties

Within the field of property investment, Antoitalia poses itself as Asset Manager, by which it mediates the buying and selling of real estate on behalf of institutions and/or privates entities.

As process owner of the property investment, Antoitalia’s Asset Manager takes into deep consideration parameters, methodologies, appraisal fundamentals and risks. Coordinating with the networking team within the various Antoitalia’s units, the Asset manager and his/her team offers clients a number of astute and clear investment proposals.

Thus merging each diversified activity within Antoitalia, the Asset Manager constantly monitors the performance of each property, so overcoming the objective of maximising incomes.

With the specific intent of optimising assets’ incomes, the Asset Manager discloses valid opportunities on the real estate investment market and when to best exploit these.